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Are you feeling stuck, despite putting in endless hours and effort into your business or career? Do you struggle to communicate your unique value to potential clients or employers? Have you faced setbacks that have shaken your confidence and left you questioning your path? 

Many of us have been there. Our CEO knows this journey all too well. After transitioning from a corporate role to building award-winning companies, she experienced both tremendous success and gut-wrenching failures. She lost millions, and watched her hard-earned confidence crashed. Despite creating a massive breakeven company with loyal customers, it never felt like a true success. 

These failures became an obsession, leading to panic attacks and health issues. But from this adversity came a crucial realization; the key to success lies not just in what you know, but in how you communicate it.

Here is an invitation from our CEO to you 

After I left the corporate space as an employee, I leapt in full-time from side hustling, into the world of entrepreneurship. I went on to build companies that would transform its industry and make a dent in the country. And I did. I partnered to be part of a financial services company and then established a consulting company “Business Linkages International,” working with the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and USAID.

I founded Allure Africa, which became an award-winning day spa group that provided everything “wellness and beauty.” I launched an aromatherapy and body-care brand called “Kanshi,” which was featured in Women's Wear Daily in 2010, before entering the United States market in 2014. I hosted the Dzigbordi Show, which aired in 46 countries in Africa, the UK and Europe.

I saw most of those businesses fail. If I said these experiences were not painful, I would be lying. This was excruciating. It was gut-wrenching.

With Allure Africa, I lost millions.  The majority of what I had worked for financially was gone; and to make matters worse, I watched my confidence drop. The only thing I held on to that kept me afloat was my faith.

Upon reflection, I don’t know if I was always delivering services which were way ahead of their time for their markets, or if they were good businesses that just didn't leverage the brand behind them. But the truth is it doesn’t matter. What matters is it didn't quite reach the peak position I had set out to build at the start.

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Even though my team and I had brought an idea to life, launched a service and product to the world and built a massive breakeven company with loyal customers, it was never a success for me.

I had failed. I had failed my team. I had failed my family. I had failed my loyal clients.

In fact, this feeling of failure quickly became my obsession. It took over my thoughts, my emotions and many of my waking hours. It caused panic attacks and health concerns. It nearly ruined me.  But then it didn’t. 

Deep down, I knew I was capable and competent, but it didn’t matter what I knew. It mattered how I spoke about what I knew about myself, my faith, and my purpose. the business and how I projected it.

And I realised that I wasn’t speaking up for myself. Neither was I communicating my value in a way that my clients and potential investors could understand.

I realised that I needed to clarify my message and build up my personal brand. And, for the first time, things started to click. 

I stopped sharing the story I thought others wanted to hear, and I started telling the story that was true for me. I began to use social media as an outlet for creativity and self-expression, while still sharing helpful information that showed others how to build their personal brand. I stopped struggling through content creation, and I started enjoying it. And the results were simply incredible.

My business, now The DCG Consulting Group, grew exponentially, I started working with clients who were an amazing fit for me, and I grew a community, not an audience.


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Personal branding did it for me. 

Not the kind of personal branding that is in vogue today.  Personal branding is so much deeper than updating your LinkedIn profile or sharing cool photos of yourself at work. It cannot and will never be something to hide behind; rather personal branding is about sharing who you truly are with your audience.

What I can tell you from coaching thousands of people, is that no individual is the same; everyone has a unique story they are called to share. Do you know what yours is and how to communicate it to the world? I believe it takes a Personal Brand Strategist to help you uncover and convey your message in a way that’s powerful, imaginative, and highly effective. I will be that Personal Brand Strategist for you.

Why Attend This Masterclass?

I have spent the last 10 years building businesses and people into Personal Brands. I have experienced the ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and adversities of starting a business, and I know one thing for sure; it takes grit, focus, and tenacity to get to your end mission. I also know that you need to get the correct information to move from the start line, which is different from what you want. This is why I have created the "Soft Skills for Personal Brand and Business Leadership Masterclass" to help you:

  • Learn how to identify those things that make you unique: No two people are exactly alike and a personal branding workshop will help you identify your unique, marketable characteristics.
  • Formulate your own personal brand to stand out confidently as you pursue your next role, grow and advance in your career.
  • Communicate a strong personal brand that is unique to your talents, experience, and values so that businesses, employers, brands and clients will notice you.
  • Define your purpose in life: When people decide to cultivate a personal brand they are in fact saying “This is who I am. This is my purpose.”
  • Demonstrate your value and reveal yourself through authentic, strategic communication that grows your visibility and empowers credibility simultaneously.
  • Enhance your communication skills: Whether talking with clients or pitching an idea to business executives, effective communication is essential to your personal brand. This masterclass will provide you with important tips and tricks to make you a better communicator.
  • Gain all the tools, tips, techniques and practical steps to drive your business to incredible new levels just by your public speaking.
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Who Should Attend?

Driven Business Owners: You want to raise your reputation and profile as an expert in your field in a way that feels authentic and achievable for you.

Seasoned executives and organisational leaders: You are seeking to enhance your leadership skills and cultivate a compelling personal brand that extends beyond your professional credentials.

High-potential and emerging leaders transitioning to more prominent managerial roles, those moving into their first-time executive positions, and executives who may need to strengthen their leadership competencies.

Aspiring Industry Leaders: You desire more gravitas, presence and respect from your network and recognise that exuding a strong personal brand is critical to this.

Experts, whether consultants, coaches, artists, or creatives: You want to be in the driving seat of your career and have prime opportunities come to you because of your credible and visible profile.

Be seen and be heard for your expertise, accomplishments and unique talents, and get the career success you have earned.

Whether you’re a coach, consultant, freelancer, trying to promote yourself in a particular sector, trying to sell a service or product, trying to get a job, trying to convince your audience or wanting success in interpersonal relationships or any other type of service provider, this masterclass will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to flourish in your industry.

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